Durable Rattan Material for Wicker Basket

Products made by Wanda Rattan are mostly wicker basket made of rattan. During our business age since 1994, we have many varieties of rattan basket that have been manufactured and exported to many countries around the world. Some models may be outdated and no longer in demand by buyers. That is why we always innovate by creating new designs which are classic yet flavored in modern taste. The plenteous of Indonesian natural rattan material makes our creativity endless and never stop.

Based on their raw materials, our baskets are divided into 4 groups as below. You can click the link to see pictures of wicker basket in our gallery.

Kubu Grey Basket

Kubu Natural Basket

Pitrit Basket

Slimit Basket

Of course our customers choice can so vary according to their market. Needs of other type of raw material and rattan basket with different color can be very diverse. We are very open to new models or designs proposed by our prospective customers, as long as the considerations for production and financial calculation are feasible.

Please explore our website. If you have any questions related to our wicker baskets or would like to inquire the possibility of your own design to be manufactured by us, you can contact us and we will be very happy to answer your questions. Thank you.

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+62 821 2622 1212


Jl. Tegal Blok Selasa, Desa Rajawangi
Kec. Leuwimunding, Majalengka